In fact, the insurance has been an important modern and financial tool in the management of commercial bank's risk management for long time, also give it the equal concern and explaining in new Basel Capital treaty. 事实上长期以来,保险一直作为商业银行风险管理中的一项重要现代金融工具,在新巴塞尔协议中也给予了其相当的关注和阐释。
Sino-Japanese Provisions of Cordial Relations: the First Equal Treaty to Establish Diplomatic Relations In Modern China 《中日修好条规》是近代中国第一个平等的建交条约
The Sino-Japanese Provisions of Cordial Relations, which was signed in 1871, is an equal treaty based on the voluntary consultations and the balanced rights and obligations, which evidently stipulates the mutual non-aggression of territories and mutual non-interference of inner state affairs. 1871年签订的《中日修好条规》是由中日双方自愿商定,权利与义务对等,明确规定互不侵犯领土,互不干涉内政的平等条约。